Sunday, April 25, 2010

Embarrassing but I have bigger pores than usual and I get blackheads that turn into pimples on my shoulds and?

back. What is the best way to prevent this?Embarrassing but I have bigger pores than usual and I get blackheads that turn into pimples on my shoulds and?
alchohol, the natural solution,

everytime you wakup or before you sleep , or between time periods, go to the washroom, and take cotton pads and rub alchohol on your pores/pinples, it workes!

clean your face routinley with soap:

the reason why your getting blackheads is that the amount of grease on your face! you can tell if your face has grease if you touch the side of your nose.

alchohol is as cheap as it can get, you can by 100% alchohol from dollar stores, or use perfume and cologne

warning DO NOT use beer, as it is a different type of alchohol

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