Sunday, April 25, 2010

How can i get rid of pimples and blackheads...FAST??

Getting rid pimples is easy. No need expensive cream. Just ice - cube. As soon as the redness appears on your skin and you knows its going to become pimples. Take a piece of ice cube and place it in a facial towel. With a bit of water on the towel place it over the red spot. Do it three times a day for two to three days and the redness will be gone - no pimples

If you use cream or lotion on the red spot, its going to become itchy cause by dirt and sweat and speed up the process of turning into pimples faster and causing scare later on if you squeeze it.

So keep the red spot - clean, dry and cool the only way to prevent the red spot turning into pimples.

For blackheads use a blackhead removal stick. Do remember to wash your skin with cold water to allow the skin pore to contract back or else dirt and sweat will once again accumulate in the open pore to form blackheads again.

Prevention is better than cure . Use cold water to wash your skin to allow proper blood circulations. I always do that.How can i get rid of pimples and blackheads...FAST??
I had the same problem, for years. It really pissed me off that I should have been more popular, except for the pimples. I am smart and funny, but they just ate away at my self-esteem. I was determined to get rid of them by hook or by crook.

I tried a whole bunch of things like proactive and others but nothing seemed to work. I tried a few different books and ebooks and nothing helped. Then, I read an awesome e-book that will teach you all the home remedies that you will need to get rid of acne permanently. At first I thought it was too expensive, but then I realized that I pay this much like every month for pimple medicine and washes, and this was a one time thing. Best decision I ever made! Not only did it help me stop getting pimples, it also helped clear up my onld pimple scars, which were really pissing me off!

You can learn about the book at this link

I tried some books from my dermatologist, but they didn't help me, plus I kept on forgetting to return them to the library. The best thing about the ebook is that i downloaded it right away, and i had the copy forever.How can i get rid of pimples and blackheads...FAST??
Extra Strength Stridex pads are very good . They worked wonders for me . Most drug stores have the on the shelf.
There are many cheap and effective home remedies for acne. Tomato slices, turmeric, papaya juices and home made face packs will treat existing pimples and prevent further problems. More remedies at
80 grit sandpaper and 30 weight motor oil.
Well, if they are too big, you should pop them so that the white pus comes out. That will usually leave a red blemish. Follow up with Neutrogena or ProActiv Solution. Neutrogena is better...

Oh yes...wipe off any blood to show that you didn't pop it.
A Beore strip and a little make-up can help alot.
its hard. There are certain face washes that help, but a perscribed medication will work better in the long run, by getting rid and preventing them. Go to a dermatoligist.
Overnight- use regular good ol' white toothpaste. it dries those suckers up fast.

Immediately- pop them. then use like cover up on them to take the red away.

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