Tuesday, December 22, 2009

I have pimples (blackheads) how can i get rid of em?!!?

I have pimples (blackheads,whiteheads) can anyone tell me how to get rid of them in like a week or more without buying the expensive products????!!!I have pimples (blackheads) how can i get rid of em?!!?
i use to have alot of black heads and they would just crowd up my forehead and i used clean and clear black head formula. now it's all clear and i use the regular face cleaning and i only have 3tiny winy zits.

try it it works!I have pimples (blackheads) how can i get rid of em?!!?
this article has some great treatments for acne and scaring that will help you
If Salicylic acid and benzol peroxide don't work ask your doctor to prescribe antibiotics. There not super fast but they work really well.
Tips to remove blackheads


Acne remedies at home

Avon's pink colored mask (I can't remember the name) worked great on me, I used it once a week for like 6 months and after that I wash my face morning and night with noxema and blackheads have never returned.
This is something my mother once told me. Everynight wash your face with a warm washcloth and as soon as you've dampend your face with that (If you have whiteheads, pop them after you've washed your face with warm water, it's easier and less painful), quickly put cold water on the washcloth and wash your face. Then just dry with a towel. The warm water opens your pores, allowing dirt to run out. The cold water closes the pores quickly, closing them so no more new dirt can get in. You should see a change soon.
wash your face 2 times a day
Wash your face... once in the morning and once at night. When you take a shower, make sure you scrub your face. Also, don't touch your face as much as possible because you're transferring oils from your hands onto your face. Good luck!

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